- Software
KNX Actuators
PowerBlock o8
PowerBlock o8 Multi
PowerBlock o16
PowerBlock o16 Multi
PowerBlock s4 DC
µBrick s4
µBrick s6 X
KNX Control Panels
Largho X2
Largho X4
Largho X6
Largho X8
Largho X10
Largho X12
Largho RX6
Largho RX8
Largho RX10
Largho RX12
Barchetto 2
Barchetto 2 with LED
Barchetto 4
Barchetto 4 with LED
Barchetto 6
Barchetto 6 with LED
Trico 8RGB
Contrattempo 2
Contrattempo 2 with LED
Contrattempo 4
Contrattempo 4 with LED
Contrattempo 6
Contrattempo 6 with LED
Piazza 3G Tune
Piazza 2
Piazza 2 RGB
Piazza 2 T
Piazza 2 RGB T
Piazza 4
Piazza 4 RGB
Piazza 4 T
Piazza 4 RGB T
Piazza 6
Piazza 6 RGB
Piazza 6 T
Piazza 6 RGB T
Piazza 8
Piazza 8 RGB
Piazza 8 T
Piazza 8 RGB T
KNX DaliControl
DaliControl e64
DaliControl e64 Pro
DaliControl gc16
KNX System Devices
IP Router Pro - CB IPR Pro
IP Router - CB IPR
Net Communication Interface - CB NCI
KNX PowerSupply PSU640
BACnet Gateway - CB BNG